You don’t have to have a massive space to be able to entertain a holiday crowd. A few tips for utilizing your spaces wisely can make hosting a breeze. This season is all about spending time with friends and family, so don’t let a small space hold you back.
Whether you have a built-in bar, a stand-alone bar cart or are using extra counter space — make sure you have a well-stocked bar with all of the essentials.
- Cocktail Shakers
- Bottle Openers
- Plenty of glasses
- Mixers
- A variety of liquors
- Wine (red and white)
- Beer (consider a local favorite)
Consider making a larger pitcher of a festive cocktail. This takes the guesswork out of concocting the perfect cocktail with an easy to pour delicious beverage that’s ready to go.
Not sure what to serve up, try these festive drinks from Hard Truth Distilling Co.
This Sangria is easy to make in a larger batch for easy entertaining.
1 bottle (750 mL) Hard Truth Cinnamon Vodka
2 bottles (750 mL each) Oliver Sweet Red wine
12½ oz. POM Wonderful pomegranate juice
1 Apple, cubed
3 Oranges, sliced
12 Cinnamon sticks
Apple cubes, to garnish (optional)
1. Add orange slices to large serving vessel, and muddle slightly.
2. Add remaining ingredients, stir gently to mix, cover, and refrigerate for at least one hour before serving.
3. Serve chilled or over ice in stemless wine glasses, with three apple cubes picked together as garnish.
1 oz. Hard Truth Toasted Coconut Rum
1 oz. Hard Truth White Oak Reserve Rum
¾ c. Boiling water
2 Tbs. Spiced butter*
Whipped cream and nutmeg, to garnish
1. Add spiced butter to a mug, then top with rums.
2. Pour boiling water over and stir gently to combine.
3. Top with whipped cream, then dust with nutmeg to garnish, and serve.
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